Didn’t see it Coming!
Before you book your flight to Paris, check out my top flight tip below. Pre-planning the annual Gal Pal Paris trip means that every detail is scrutinized until I am satisfied that each gal will experience “must do” wishes while in Paris. I also try to make sure that the ride back to Texas is fun by booking us all together in coach. Spending 9+ hours in coach can be a blast when done properly. I get all the gal’s confirmation numbers and organize the seating arrangements. During certain times of the year, we even have a whole row each to ourselves to lay down and stretch our legs, but can sit together to watch a movie or recall our fun adventures when awake.
Change of Plane – Uh Oh!
The most dreadful experience we have had returning from Paris was when Gal Pals Clare and Christine were with me in a packed Continental plane. I booked us in what showed as the center of the cabin, but while we were in France, Continental made a change of aircraft returning from Paris which meant that when we boarded we found that instead of being seated mid-cabin, we were right in front of the two toilets! At first we were trying to look at the bright side – no lines for us! We settled in and began recounting our adventures – being banned from a French rugby bar, leaving a scolding note to a French waiter who wronged us tucked into the restaurant’s front door, Clare’s fashion show for the diners at Boullion Racine and more! We were crying we were laughing so hard and several flight attendants were commenting that we must have had a fantastic time! Oui, oui we chimed in – C’est manifique!

Hoping for a full empty row in economy
No Gag, Just Gagging
Soon the laughing turned into gagging – after the meal service a line began forming in front of the bathrooms. Yes, that meant that everyone was lined up in the aisle right next to us. What’s wrong with that? Well, ahem…let’s just say that those waiting in line holding everything in does not always work out. To make matters worse, every time the next person opened the toilet doors their business wafted out into our personal space. Oh Mon Dieu! My gag reflex kicked in and would not stop – which made Clare and Christine begin to gag too! We quickly pulled out our scarves and put them over our noses to try to minimize the damage but met with little success. During lulls in the “action” we pulled our scarves down and began to laugh at our predicament, proving that one can make the most of any situation and yes, Paris is worth any “crap” you have to go through to get there and back!
Lesson learned
Rest assured gals, I will consult my own top flight tip and double-check the plane configuration before we set out for Charles de Gaulle to ensure our seats are as far away from the bathrooms as possible!