At 17 Bois-le-Vent, to the right of the Passy Market, you will find the most exquisite ice cream shop. I learned about Pascal Le Glacier in a piece called, “Ice Cream Heaven” from the book, “Paris Discovered” by Mary McAuliffe. I highly recommend both the book and the ice cream. My praline and my husband’s chocolate noire (intense chocolate flavor without being too sweet) were indeed delicious and would give any ice cream shop in Paris a run for title of best. Be warned though, a smallish cup is 4 Euros, which I justify by rationalizing that the less I eat the fewer calories I consume. It is surely tempting not to buy two cups though.
Margo is a popular guest blogger for Weekend In Paris. Besides being a knowledgable Francophile, she is an Independent Publishing Professional based out of Newport, Rhode Island. She is an avid traveler, foodie and lover of all things French.