Gal Pal Elizabeth’s subconscious did not allow her to follow the packing plan. She called me to say that she purchased a new suitcase for the Paris trip. I told her it must be within certain dimensions to be able to carry aboard. Well, she assured me it was. When she pulled up to our house with said bag in tow, I must have looked gobsmacked because she quickly started telling me how proud she was of herself for meeting the demands of the “Packing Nazi” which I guess means moi and that it was the same size bag as the last time she was on the trip with me. I did not want to question her and hoped like hell on the ride to the airport that she was right and I was wrong for thinking that the bag would not pass security muster.
Our luck, a Frenchie was on duty at the security check point so guess what? Elizabeth’s bag was – DENIED! So after all that careful planning, she had to check a bag! Oh mon Dieu!
Now we are at the Continental lounge having a glass of Veuvre Cliquot and not caring at all about any bags, checked or other wise!
Packing Grade: Priscilla A+, Elizabeth F+ (the plus is for trying)
1 comment
Hi Christine!
We have already purchased a suitcase to bring home our shopping so feel free to scrap the carry-on deal and bring the “big one” for more room to put your fun purchases!
Can’t wait to see you in Paris!
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