Guest post by The Weekend In Paris’ frequent contributor Margo Waite:
Priscilla’s recent post on take-away reminded me of the relatively new (opened May 2012) meals-to-go restaurant, L’Epi Malin, opened by Francois Pasteau, in the 6th. Mr. Pasteau is the proprietor/chef at L’Epi Dupin, one of my favorite restaurants in Paris. L’Epi Malin is diagonally across the street at 4 rue Dupin.
After a delicious dinner at L’Epi Dupin (no longer open since the chef retired) one evening last November, my husband, Rob, and I had close to the same menu at our apartment a few days later from L’Epi Malin. You can get a beautifully packaged entrée, plat, beverage and bread or plat, dessert, beverage and bread for 15 euros. Or you can buy the various components individually at 9 euros for the plat and 5 euros for appetizer or dessert. In addition, L’Epi Malin has a good and reasonable bottled wine selection that ranges from 11 to 25 euros, with some more expensive exceptions from Rhone, Burgundy and Bordeaux. A bottle of Pierre Gimonet champagne is 35 euros.
We loved our first course of silky potato veloute with bacon and a tiny crouton; my plat was merlu, a gorgeous moist fish fillet with a nutty crust and bright citrus risotto cake. Rob’s choice was tender pork cheeks (joue du cochon) with a wonderfully rich sauce and gossamer pureed parsnips. (He had tasted mine at L’Epi Dupin and was very pleased to have his own portion.) The meal ended with layered sweets of chocolate and whipped cream topped with crumbled cookies.
You can find their current menu on line at L’Epi Malin is open Monday through Friday, from 10 AM to 9 PM. Address: 4 rue Dupin 75006 PARIS – Tél : 01 45 49 22 53
All photos property of The Weekend In Paris or Margo Waite. Must obtain permission before use.

Margo writing for The Weekend In Paris
Margo is a popular guest blogger for Weekend In Paris. Besides being a knowledgable Francophile, she is an Independent Publishing Professional based out of Newport, Rhode Island. She is an avid traveler, foodie and lover of all things French.