Summer in the gardens
Luxembourg Gardens is fantastic year round
Believe it or not, some tourist attractions and areas of cities can get stale. The “been there, done that” thought occasionally creeps up when I am in Paris when someone asks to see the Mona Lisa, but Luxembourg Gardens is fantastic year round.It never gets old strolling through even in winter when the tropical plants and trees disappear behind the bundling bags keeping them warm during the harsh cold dark months. There is life year ’round in this park with school children on their mandatory lunchtime walkabout, folks jogging, tennis players serving things up, and chess champions queueing for a match. The ducks remain poodeling around in the various fountains and pond. They seem to validate that life in the Luxembourg Gardens in the winter is better than summer in most places.

Even in the winter there is greenery
Spring to Summer
Of course, nothing beats the spring when the crocuses begin to bloom and the wrappings are shed from bushes and trees. It’s like Christmas morning when the palm trees are unveiled. It‘s a promise of warmer weather and summer nights, of picnicking in sunlight till ten o’clock pm that awakens Paris from the wintry sleep. Luxembourg Gardens come alive and renew the spirit of the City of Light.

Winter with no leaves, but plenty of life still around
Autumn to Winter
In the fall preparations happen all around. Squirrels gather their last nuts, flower beds are replanted with heartier plants like pansies, and and the leaves fallen are raked. For those in Paris, enjoy these days before the winter rains dampen your spirit and remember to walk in the park on the sunny winter days to cheer yourself up because even though it is winter, there is still greenery around to add color to the gray sky days . Remember what the ducks already know, Paris in the winter is better than most cities in the summer!
All photos property of The Weekend In Paris. Must obtain permission before use.
We took our son’s high school senior pictures there — and my favorite photo all time of my three kids happened accidentally there as well! Thanks for the memories.
Hi Karen,
What a great memory to have of his high school days. I bet no one else in his school had nearly as cool a memory from their senior portrait!
Thanks for reading and taking the time to write in.
It’s time for another trip to Paris. Thanks for reminding me.
So glad you like it Kim! It’s one of Paris’ very best treasures!
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