Priscilla Pilon travels the world, but is an admitted Paris addict. She began her career as a food and travel writer through her own personal trips and her time spent living and working abroad. A true travel chameleon, she can find herself skiing in the French Alps one day and snorkeling in the British Virgin Islands the next.
A wife and mother of two almost grown boys, Priscilla sees travel as art – a blank canvas where unique hotels and experiences paint priceless pictures.
Born in Boston and living a snow-free life in Texas, she splits her time between her homes in Houston, Boston, and Newport, Rhode Island. She is an avid volunteer, sailor, tennis player, skier, foodie and amateur sommelier.
From Priscilla:
A true American Francophile, I understand the French language way more than I can speak it. At least I always try to use my limited French first before the waiter or salesperson gives up on me and answers in English. I am One Quarter French and therefore One Quarter Skinny!
I lived in Europe for years, and now (in addition to my extensive North American travel) travel to Europe (always stopping in Paris) and have done so for 20+ years. There are “musts” to do or see, but I always add something new or challenging. By adding new people each time to this adventure it also helps to keep the trip exciting. I love seeing the look on people’s faces when they see the Eiffel Tower the first time or when they light a candle at Notre Dame. It never gets old!
My travel lifestyle varies greatly depending upon my travel companions (family, friends or business associates) and situations. My trips can have me staying in luxury accommodations that I favor or I might need the convenience of a good location at a small boutique hotel that is quite reasonably priced. To me, all travel is fabulous, so come along for the ride and I will share my favorite places and tips with you.
Bon voyage!
Hi, My wife and I have (59 and 61 years old) have an opportunity to join daughter and friend to travel to Italy and Paris for $1400.00 per person in November Thanksgiving week. Price includes air fare and hotel.
That’s all I know at the moment. Would we have time in Paris with 4 days? Is November a good time of year to go? Thanks so much for your site and time.
Dear Larry,
Four days is plenty of time to get the highlights of Paris and see all the major attractions. November is actually a wonderful month to go since the city will not be full of tourists and the weather is still quite nice. The real cold comes in December/January.
Thank you so much for reading my site. Please know I write all the articles myself and the photos all belong to me as well.
Hello Priscilla,
Would it be possible to contact you by mail to submit an article.
Thank you for your feed back.
Have a nice day.
Hi Thomas,
I just looked at your site and did not see an option to switch the language to English. I think that if you had an option for this, my readers might benefit from an article about your company.
Will do Daisy.
Wonder if I could have your email address or Facebook a/c if you have one? Thought you might enjoy reading what my daughter wrote here!
Je suis vos tweets depuis un moment et aimerais m’entretenir avec vous au téléphone car je dirige un club de dégustation MUSIQUE&VIN qui organise 2 soirées tous les 2 mois chez Angelina et dans un loft dans le 8eme arrondissement.
Nous organisons aussi un tour en Bourgogne assez original en avril prochain.
Voici notre site
La page facebook :
Un grand merci par avance pour l’attention que vous porterez à ce mail.
Christophe Hauser
06 22 69 37 62
scopro oggi il tuo blog che per me è molto interessante perché sono un vero fan della Francia e Parigi. Ti seguirò spesso!
A presto.
Così bello avere voi la lettura di questo blog. Ho vissuto in Italia per alcuni mesi e divertito molto. Il viaggio è molto divertente.
Buona lettura!
Hi Beth,
Thrilled that you wrote in! Love the Ladies on the Loose concept for sure. The Gal Pals might just have to take a barge cruise on our next jaunt!
Keep reading and chiming in with your comments.
Hi Beth,
I am going to be posting some great recommendations next week when I have a bit more time. Thanks for continuing to read the blog and I can’t wait to hear about your next trip to Paris in the fall. It’s the best time of year weather wise and people-watching wise!
This is really a nice blog. I can not aggree with you more.
Great website you have here! Enjoyed it. I work for an international online hotels booking company and we’re looking for partners like you. it’s great if i could have your email address and explain further..hope to hear from you soon..cheers..
Wishing you all have a wonderful time even though Im terribly jealous!
We have room for you! XO!
Any recommendations for us?